In order to secure your puppy, please purchase the $500.00 down payment associated with this product. Once you have placed your order, your name will be added to the list of buyers interested in our current litter. Puppies are given out with color preference on a first come first serve basis. We will be in contact with you shortly to give additional information on the status of your reservation.
Please note the total price for the puppy will be $3500.00. This does not include any transportation fees. The $500.00 down payment will be applied and deducted from this amount.
Since quantity is very limited, the down payment is non-refundable in the event you are not able to purchase your puppy. Please refer to our refund policy for more details. If you reserve a puppy and we are unable to complete your order due to quantity limits, however, your $500.00 down payment will be refunded.
For more important details, please navigate to our how to purchase page.